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Study on the Structure of Pre-Qin Ceramic Alphabets

作者: 闻长庆 闻果立 浙江中立越窑秘色瓷研究所 发布: 2020-11-28 分类: 研究发现 阅读: 次 

The lettering is the image or symbol that human being records andexpresses information and carries language. Writing has played a great role inpromoting human civilization and has become the main carrier of culture. Ourancestors invented many hieroglyphics and symbols, experienced the generationof good birth bad tide, leaving the essence, character matrix and block body. InWu Yue Chun Qiu period there were records: Yu got jade characters on Wan Wei Mountain

In the year of Gengzi, Yu climbed to Wan Wei Mountain, was lookingfor the book of Jin Jian, studied the jade characters, and got the theory ofwater circulation, recorded by Zhao Ye in Han Dynasty.

In the past year of Gengzi, Yu got the word Jin Jian book and jadecharacters. In this year of Gengzi,Chinesepeople excavate and carry forward the light of pre-Qin civilization.

In Xia Dynasty Shaokang (1972 B. C. ~ 1912 B. C.) granted his son,Si Wuyu, to worship the tomb of his ancestor Da Yu in Yue (now in Shaoxing County, ZhejiangProvince), which was the beginning of Yue's reign.

In the past 20 years, the author has collected and found that theancient Yue ancestors had used a similar Greek linear matrix with 23 alphabetstructures, which were carved on ceramics.

The author also found Liangzhu people composed A, B, C, D, E letterson the ancient pottery about 5300 years ago. There are 21 similar ancient Greekalphabets with the same kind of structure Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ ΥΧ Ψ.

The other seven provinces also have similar "ancient Greek alphabets".

Tradition says that the ancient Greeks were known to use 24 alphabets.Among them, 22 alphabets borrowed from the ancient Phoenician alphabets.

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22 Phoenician alphabets

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There are 24 ancient Greek linear alphabets.

There is also western scholars' research: Phoenician alphabet ismainly based on the ancient Egyptian pictograms. In ancient Egypt, the word"A" was represented by A picture of the head of an ox (see thepicture of how the letter "A" evolved).

Mr. Champollion, French scholar, deciphered the letter A with apicture of bird. There's a paradox here. A picture of the head of an ox doesn'tmatch to a picture of bird. Both of them do not conform to the basic commonsense, and have nothing to do with the character matrix. It just means thatancientEgyptat this time did not write the letter "A".

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Westernscholars on the origin of the letter "A" to evolve the process of"A" picture.

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On Baidu, western scholars assume that the so-called "A"is A drawing schedule that means "cow's head".

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MonsieurChampollion of France replaced the letter A with a picture of bird. The ancientEgyptians could not write the word "A"

About 5300 years ago, people in Liangzhu could write "A"alphabet, and many people said that "A" was written in the samestandard as modern people.

About 2600 years ago, the original celadon in the Yue Kiln ofShang and Zhou Dynasties was engraved with the letter "A" in the sameway as the letter "A" in ancient Greece.

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About 2600 years ago, the original Celadon of Ancient Yue wasengraved with the letter "A" in the collection of Zhongli Museum

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About 2600 years ago, the original Celadon of Ancient Yue wasengraved with the letter "A" in the collection of Zhongli Museum

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About 5300 years ago, Liangzhu people inscribed the letter"A" in the collection of The Liangzhu Museum

In addition, it was also found that thousands of miles away inQinghai Province, Majiayao people of Gansu Province, Banpo people of Shanxi Provinceand Henan people of Shang Dynasty also wrote the letter "A"  on the pottery, and letter "A" waswritten on the pottery symbol of Houma East Zhou Site in Shanxi, which hasremained unchanged. It has been applied for a long time and spread across awide area, which has actually formed the universal curing basis.


Taking the letter "A" as an example, it is not the kilnworker who makes pottery to carve A symbol at will. The letter "A" hasbeen widely used throughoutChina.


In his book of The Birth and Development of Words, Former SovietB.A.Easterlin concluded that every word in the world originated inhieroglyphics.


Why the pre-Qin Chinese people could write the alphabet "A"?


According to the archeological confirmation logic of Westernscholars, when Liangzhu was born, the "A" character has already gonethrough the evolution process of the pictographic symbol of ox head and bird.There is no sign any more, and it has already become an independent"character matrix", which is the basis for the transmission ofelements of Chinese civilization.


Liangzhu people in Shang and Zhou Dynasties all used the letter"A", which had already become a single letter. The evolution of"A" is interpreted as "today" and "Xi" in Chinesecharacter. From Xiongnu to Tang Dynasty, the structure of the turkic charactersis still in use.


In2014, the author was invited by the Ministry of Culture of Greece toparticipate in the cultural exchange of exhibitions. It is surprising to findthat the ancestors of ancient Yue and the ancient Greek ancestors actuallywrote the same alphabet to create the word structure. A thousand years ago, thetwo ancient countries probably had cultural and tourism exchanges. 

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In December 2014, WenChangqing was invited by Former President Carolos Papoulias in Greece

Photo taken by CCTV reporter Bian Zhenglin

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The author hascollected the letters engraved on the bottom of the ancient Yue celadon in theShang and Zhou Dynasties. The research is surprised to find that there are 23linear letters similar to Greek. These letters are almost the same as theoriginal letters in terms of the structure and font.


In 2015, the authorinvited Dr. Evgenios Kalpyris , the former Consul General of Greece in Shanghai, to observe andmarvel that the stylus in the structure of a word was the same as the Greek alphabet.Somebody asked if it was a coincidence? Dr. Kalpyris said: Impossible! First ofall, the structure of the alphabets is difficult. Although the writing isrough, the strokes are free and smooth, and the order of strokes is correct. Thereare 23 alphabets confirmed by the appraisal, and 24 alphabets are used inGreece,which conforms to the structure of Greek alphabets.

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In 2020, Dr. GeorgiosKapogiannis, the professor of University of Nottingham Ningbo,found that the letters engraved on the bottom of the ancient Yue celadon were100% identical to the Greek linear letters, and the letters were used to makehis own name.

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It is meaningful to arouse academic attention!It was also shocked to find thatmany ancient Yue cultural customs are the same, which is a top academic achievement.

Is there any originrelationship between "Pre-Qin Chinese alphabet" characters and Greekalphabet characters? Why the same? It is worth exploring and studying. See thevideo below:


Ancient Yue and ancient Greek ancestors wrote the same"Structure of alphabets".

The author wrote thisarticle only like "throwing a brick to attract jade", and hope to causethe attention of relevant departments and personages, and gather pool wisdomfor a comprehensive and in-depth study. With the re-emergence of the MaritimeSilk Road and the further exploration and research of historical materials, itwill certainly be able to solve the age-old mystery, which is worthy ofacademic attention is very meaningful! It is hoped that more scholars will takepart in the discussion of these ancient "letters", and the finalresearch will reach a consensus.

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Figure 1. Ancient Greek linear alphabets.


The author foundthat: from the Shang Dynasty to the Warring States Period, Huzhou, Deqing,Shangyu and other places had fired the original black porcelain and celadon,some vessels engraved with letters at the bottom. As follows:

Chinese pronunciationof the primitive celadon letters of the pre-Qin Dynasty and Greek linearalphabets, as shown in Figure 2.

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Comparison tablebetween the original celadon alphabet of the Pre-Qin Period and the Greekalphabet translation. As follows Figure 3

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Zhejiang ZhongliMuseum of Ancient Ceramics collects physical specimens.

PinghuZhuangQiao grave word of Liangzhu culture Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ ΥΧ Ψ 21 column represents figure.

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Note: For ceramics, please refer to Zhejiang Provincial Instituteof Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Pinghu Museum's compilation, the firstedition of 2014 issued by Cultural Relics Publishing House, and PinghuZhuangqiao Grave Site's Collection of symbols.


Pinghu Zhuangqiao grave word of Liangzhu culture Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ ΙΛ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Χ Ψ

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The pottery of Banpo people in Shaanxi, Majiayao people inQinghai, Gansu and Henan people of the Shang Dynasty was written as the letter"A". The pottery of Houma Dongzhou Site in Shanxi was written as the letter"A". The pottery of Henan people in the Shang Dynasty was written asthe letter "A", and the letter structure of Hebei province are comparedas follows:

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Unearthed pottery from Banpoculture in Xi 'an, Shaanxi province has 12 Greek alphabets such as"A" written on it.

In December 2013, Wang Hui, Historyand Culture college of Shaanxi Normal University

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Unearthed pottery from Banpo culture in Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province waswritten the letter "A".

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The unearthed pottery of Majiayao culture has the letter"A" engraved on it, and 16 letters similar to the Greek alphabets.

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Evolution of The Carved Bones in Dresxu: Quoted from: Section 2 ofChapter 19, Dongyi Culture and Interpretation of Shandong Bone Carved Texts byDing Xiexian and Ding Lei, China Literature and History Publishing House, 2012

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2,500 years ago, the"A" character was written in the pottery symbol of the Eastern Zhou Sitein Houma, Shanxi Province. There are 12 letters like Greek alphabets.

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The 3rd issue of The Tao Fu at the Site of the Eastern ZhouDynasty, Houma, Shanxi Province, 1978 (Erlitou Tao Fu in the middle and earlyShang Dynasty) the Question of Xia Dynasty Writing, Xia Shi Conglun (Qilu Book,1985 edition) The Tao Fu is the view of the original Chinese characters.

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The alphabet of Greek linear characters of Erlitou culture inHenan Province

Mr. Zhang Ziping, Symbols on Ancient Pottery and origin of ChineseCharacters, Erlitou Symbols

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Erlitoucultural alphabet

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There are nine types of Ancient Greek "A" letter "wordstructure" in Xushui, Hebei Province.








Theabove original celadons of Shang and Zhou Dynasties carved writing type, andthere are 23 alphabets of Greek linear structure. Dr. Kalpyris and Dr. Georges fromGreecesurely confirmed that these letters are 100% similar to the structure of Greeklinear alphabets. Their ability to identification of a letter is obviouslybeyond doubt.

Thereare also a number of scholars to visit Zhejiang Zhongli Museum of Ancientceramics, identified as the alphabet structure, and they marveled.

Today wefound Liangzhu people wrote the letters, as well as the other from as far awayas thousands of miles, Majiayao people in Qinghai, Gansu, Banpo people in Shaanxi,Erlitou people in Henan, Houma Eastern Zhou Site in Shanxi, TaoFu writing, suchas the letter "A", letters in Hebei. The alphabet structures in sevenprovinces were similar, across the wide range of the region, the application ofthe age of inheritance, a succession of the same standard comparing withancient Greek alphabets.

It isfound that the structure of pre-Qin alphabet unearthed in many provincesconforms to the standard of Greek alphabet structure, which has formed theuniversal solidification basis.

Thereis no doubt that the Chinese ancestors and the ancient Greek ancestors had lotsof tourism and cultural exchanges. It is likely that the level of communicationand connection in this friendship is far greater than we can imagine. Theworld's two great ancient civilizations once produced a clash of civilizations.It will greatly promote the development of our respective civilizations in thefuture. This requires us to make further exploration and discovery in order tofurther study and explore the historical culture and tourism exchanges betweenChinaandGreece.

Today,a batch of primitive celadon of Shang and Zhou Dynasties was found in Cixi citywith 23 alphabets inscribed on it and 21 alphabets inscribed in Liangzhuculture, which are the origin and essence of early Chinese civilization and canalso be declared as a world memory heritage. The structure of alphabet is ofgreat significance. It may have more regional influence than the bird and wormwritings or oracle bone inscriptions, which will shake the whole world. I hopeall relevant units of the country will pay attention to it.

It issuggested that Cixi and Ningbo municipal governments and Zhejiang provincialgovernments should apply for the Memory of the World Heritage List. The Memoryof the World, the Memory of the World Project or the Archival Heritage of theWorld, is a documentary preservation project launched by UNESCO in 1992.

It isa mirror of the world, as well as a memory of the world. In order to preventthe disappearance of such important world memory as the language and culture ofthe alphabet structure, we are making some efforts to apply for the WorldMemory Heritage List.

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